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How To Make a Resume For Your Career

how to make a resume



A resume is a document also know as Biodata, curriculum vitae in some countries, commonly used in the employee hiring process. A good resume includes information about your qualifications, experiences, education and background and should communicate the most important, relevant information about yourself to employers you are applying for, in a clear, to the point, very easy-to-read format.

The goal any resume, Biodata, curriculum vitae is to quickly translate or communicate why you are the most qualified for the position based on your skills and experiences. Resume writing is also a skill people need to learn.

For most job-seekers, a perfect resume is the one which stands between a dream job and Choice D. If you can get your resume perfect, then you’ll be getting replies from every other company you apply to.

If your resume has not good background, experience, points are not communicated well, is weak, then you’ll end up sitting around for probably months or never, before you even get a single response.

So you’re probably wondering how you can write a resume which leads to hiring (HR) managers inviting you to job interviews daily. This is the right place for you all! We not only publish important articles on resume writing, job findings, we have various tools and videos to help your career move forward.

In this Professional Perfect Resume Writing guide, we shall teach you everything you need to know about how to make a resume:


To get noticed by employers, you can follow below illustrated steps and best practices. The main goal always is to make your resume as much relevant as possible which means matches the job requirement and readable.


1. Start by choosing the right resume format & layout.

The 3 resume formats are:

1) Reverse chronological order resume format – This is the most popular resume format which is ideal for people with plethora of work experience which is relevant to the position they’re applying for.

Chronological format resume


2) Functional/skills-based resume format – If you lack relevant work experience because you are a student/recent graduate, or applying for internship or you are looking to make a career change, the skills-based format is a better choice.

Experience based resume


3) Combination resume format – It is a good option if you have some professional experience, where both skills and work history are equally important. The combination resume is a great choice for job-seekers with a very diverse skill-set.

Combined resume format

It’s useful if you’re applying for a role that requires expertise in 3 to 4 different fields, and you want to show all that in your resume. Lets say you’re applying for a senior management role, and the requirements are expertise in Management, Sales, and Software Development.

So, which one do you choose out of these 3?

In 85 to 90% or more cases, you’d want to stick to the reverse-chronological resume format. This is the most common one which is easily readable, and most hiring managers are used to this besides this is also one of the most oldest style resume format used and liked by many.



2. Add Your Contact Information and Personal Details.

A perfect resume should begin with full name and contact information including your email address, phone number. Mailing address is optional since nowadays email, phone are used. The name should be focused such that it is highly visible at the top of your resume with larger font than the rest of the document, but no more than a 15 pt (point size). You should also include a link to your online portfolio if you have, specially if you are applying to creative positions like artist, musician, crafter, teacher.


An example on how where to add contact info in any resume is –

Contact Information to be Included in a Resume

Must-have Information

  • First Name / Last Name. 
  • Phone Number. 
  • Email Address. 
  • Location – are you located in the area, or will the company have to sponsor relocation?

Optional Information

  • Title – Your professional title. It can be your position, word-for-word, or your desired job. Think “Digital Marketing Specialist” or “Junior Data Scientist.”
  • LinkedIn URL – If you have an up-to-date profile that can add value to your application, make sure to include the link.
  • Social Media – Do you have a published portfolio online? For developers, this would be your GitHub, for a designer Behance or Dribble and for a writer, it could be your personal blog.
  • Website / Blog – Do you have an online presence? Maybe a blog that positions you as an expert in your field? If you do, make sure to mention it!

What NOT to Include in the Contact Info Section

  • Date of Birth (unless specifically required in the job ad) – The HR manager doesn’t need to know how old you are. It’s not important for their decision-making, and at worst, it might lead to discrimination based on age.
  • Unprofessional Email Address – Do: [email protected] Don’t: [email protected]
  • Headshot – The HR manager doesn’t need to know what you look like in order to evaluate your application, so there’s no real need to include it.



3. Add a resume summary and objective.

According to survey, your resume gets less than 7 seconds of attention by any HR manager. So always start out with attractive to the heading statement with wit, that paints an attractive image of your candidacy. Your resume summary statement or resume objective statement are likely to have the most eye time since it’s at the top of the page.

It’s proven that the first impressions matters whether they’re in your personal life, or your career.

If you leave a bad first impression, chances are, it’s there to be remembered. After all, it’s very hard to change someone’s opinion of you. And you can accomplish this is through either a good resume summary or objective. Both are placed at the top of your resume, right around the contact information section.


In your resume summary, you can write:

  1. Your job and years of experience. E.g.: Customer support representative with 5+ years of experience in the IT industry.
  2. 1 or 2 top achievements (or core responsibilities). E.g.: Specialized in technical support, customer care, and user retention.
  3. Desired goal (generally, passion for working at a specific company). E.g.: Looking for new opportunities as a support lead for a SaaS company.


Example of resume summary below:

resume summary and objective



4. Include an education section.

After summary, you can write information such as:

  • Degree obtained with subject major title
  • From which university/high-school
  • Relevant coursework
  • Grade point average (if above 3.5)
  • Honors if you are
  • Minor classes also taken
  • Participation in clubs or organizations
  • Leadership positions held
  • Awards, achievements or certifications

Education example in below image:




5. List Your Relevant Work Experience & Key Achievements.

As you have seen image above and you can also view resume example below, after resume summary, you need to mention you work experience in detail for each company you have worked. You’ve knocked out the appetizer very well with the previous sections, so now it’s time to fill in your work history and past achievements of all companies and move further. Review the job description and highlight keywords that you have had proven success with in the past.

List all your soft and hard skills here to showcase what experience and knowledge you have. If you have not worked in many companies, feel free to write in detail about any project you worked on with you r roles and responsibilities. If you have many years of experience, then stay to the point on each work experience for all companies but write in detail for the present company you are working with.

List any required skills like certifications or licenses first. Take a moment to filter out which skills make you a great fit for the job first.


How to List Work Experience in a Resume

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The standard format for your work experience is as follows:

  • Job Title/Position – Your job title goes on top of each work experience entry. When the HR manager scans your resume, you want them to know, at a glance, that you have relevant work experience for the job.
  • Company Name / Location / Description – Then, you mention the name of the relevant employer, as well as the location of the office you work/have worked in. In some cases, you may also want to briefly describe the company, if the organization is not a famous household name.
  • Achievements and Responsibilities – This is the core of each work experience entry. Depending on your field, you want to list either your achievements or responsibilities. We’ll get more into the how’s and why’s of this in a bit.
  • Dates Employed – The timeframe of your employment in each company. Not sure about the exact dates you worked somewhere? Don’t worry – you don’t have to be accurate by the day, as long as it’s close. The standard format expected by recruiters and employers is mm/yyyy (this is especially important when your job application will be parsed by an Applicant Tracking System)




6. Tailor Your Resume according to the Job.

Always remember that over 70% of resumes submitted to job-boards are never read! Reason for this bitter truth is larger companies are always using applicant tracking systems (ATS) to get help as they receive thousands of resume for just 1 post/opening. ATS software automates the early stages of the recruitment process. How? They look for keywords and assign a score per candidate. So in this process if any candidate’s resume has no correct keywords, he/she would get lower score by the ATS system hence no job interview at all.

To tailor your resume, you need to go back to the job requirement description and look for requirement keywords related to your roles and responsibilities. Include them in your resume job description if you have done those tasks before. This is also a way to list your professional history with keywords.

Tailoring your resume work experience is very crucial to be selected among those few for interview.


7. Other Important or optional Sections to Showcase your Interest.

Are you a star party planner or an ace basketballer? Add these additional skills and interests as well in your resume.

Consider adding any achievements or interests section. This can help supplement a shorter resume too, You can mention if you are bi-lingual? Or better, multi-lingual. Confidently add Hobbies & Interests, Volunteering Experience, Certifications & Awards, projects of any size etc.

Have you written any articles? Published books? Why not to mention them? These will clear unnecessary white spaces and are very important addition to your resume.


8. Format your resume properly to make it ready and look attractive.

Proper layout like A4 or letter size, font size, color, margins, padding, section tiles bolder, headers bold or slightly bigger in font size (no more than 14 points), bullet points when listing various pieces of information, like under your professional history sections, education, work experience section are some very important formatting trick all should know to carve out a perfect resume of your life.



9. Proofread, Save, and Email Your Resume the Right Way.

Double check your resume for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors before sending it out. Carefully reread your resume, cover letter (and or email!) with a software like Grammarly. Then, ask any professional or friend or family member to triple-check.



10. Complement Your Resume With a Cover Letter.

Think of a cover letter as a simple direct message to the hiring manager/s. You get to briefly explain why you’re such a perfect fit for the position. When we put it that way, its very easy right?

Here’s a format anybody can follow:

  • Introduce yourself (and leave an impression) – Start with a brief run-down on your work experience and mention who toy are and why you’re interested in working for the company you’re applying for. Write 1-2 of your top career achievements to leave a good first impression so that manager will read resume too.
  • Explain how good you can be at the job – Identify the top 3 requirements in the job ad. Then, dedicate one paragraph to explaining how you fulfill each requirement. This is very critical actually, think before write and remember keywords.
  • Wrap it up cleanly and say thanks – Thank the reader for reading your cover letter and propose the next steps. For example, “If you’d like to know more about my experience with Project ABCD, I’d love to chat!”


Resume Example:


Full Name
Cell: Number


Three years of experience in various projects in software quality assurance, validation, verification
and software programming. Extensive knowledge on HP-Mercury Testing Tools, visual basics,
automation scripts (VB script). Created test plans for complex software projects in distributed
Client/Server, Internet and Intranet applications. Rewritten old test cases to accommodate with change
requirements. Worked in various testing tools and involved in test documentation. Good analytical,
problem solving skills with attention to detail. Experienced in building manual test cases, Reporting
Bugs, link test cases with requirements, regressed test cases and bugs every build, automated scripts,
conducted manual testing. Have expertise in Mercury Interactive test suite (Test Director / Quality
Center, QTP). Experienced in .NET, J2EE application testing. Participated and Contributed in all phases
of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Committed Team Player, good interpersonal skill,
problem solving, good work ethic, time management skill, have the ability to acclimatize to new
technologies and situations with ease. Good knowledge of c, c++, java, c#, oracle, MS-SQL Server,
MYSQL. Always ready to learn and teach. Also did projects in java, MYSQL, c++, VB, UNIX, oracle
during pursue of computer science degree. Personally did projects in PHP, apache, MYSQL.


BS in Computer Science, Sanjose State University


Strong knowledge in entire project Software Development Life cycle Analysis (SDLC),
analyzing business strategies and support of new and existing client-server applications.
Expertise includes preparing Test Summary Reports, Test Cases and Test Scripts for automated
and manual testing for functional, user acceptance testing, usability testing, and smoke testing.
Experienced in manual testing, automation testing, quality assurance in the Healthcare
Experienced in implementing test cases, test scenarios, and test reports viewing use cases,
Experienced in Mercury suite.
Experienced in availability testing, failover testing.
Mapping Requirements to test cases using Mercury’s Test Director, providing traceability to
requirements, creating test sets, and selectively running tests.
Experienced in oracle, MYSQL, SQL server databases. Extensively used SQL, PLSQL, cursors,
triggers, and stored procedures for accessing database.
Used Toad SQL client to access database servers like MS SQL, oracle.
Testing Client/Server and Web-based applications with both Manual Testing and Automated Test
Experienced in conducting Parameterization/Data-driven testing for both Web-based applications
and Windows Applications in a Client-Server environment.
Experienced in Black Box Testing, Functional Testing, Integration Testing, Regression Testing,
ad-hoc, smoke testing.
Very good knowledge of Microsoft word, excel, Visio, Access database, office.
Good knowledge of basic UNIX, Linux commands.
Programming experience in PHP, MYSQL, html, JavaScript, C, C++, java.
Worked in agile methodology.
Strong analytical, interpersonal and time management skills.
Participated in many meetings actively in agile environment.

Good knowledge of hardware, networks.



Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows (9X, 2000, XP), Windows (NT 4.0)
Languages C/C++, Java, Visual Basic, SQL, PL-SQL, HTML, ASP
Web Technology . NET, J2EE
Database Oracle Database, Ms Access, MYSQL, MS SQL Server, Toad, AquaData
Data Connectivity Networking, TCP/IP, ODBC, JDBC
Software MS Office, MS Visio, MS Project, Aqua Data
Web/Application Testing


Test Director, QTP, Quality Center



General Electrics HealthCare, Salt Lake City, UT Sep 2006 – Present
QA Engineer
GE HealthCare Systems is a diversified IT company specialized in the development of Healthcare
applications. GE along with clinical information support of IHC, this project has incepted. Their
applications include many projects like Device Connectivity, Clinical Note Builder, CDI, Help Systems,
Patient Registration, Whiteboard, Flowsheet systems. I have worked here as a Quality Assurance Engineer
for Hottext, Workspace Manager, Whiteboard, KTMI and Forms Tool projects. HotText is much like MS-
WORD application but very much customized to the needs of doctors and nurses so that they don’t have to
waste much time typing to put in patient information. It has many templates embedded to cater different
doctors’ and nurses’ of different departments need, in compliance with HIPPA / HCL. KTMI contains a
database, which lists all terminologies related to medicines, allergies. It has lists of levels of chemical
compositions for every medicines and checkups listed and it triggers result based on the composition of
chemical level found in tests. Whiteboard is tool used in Emergency department to register patient and
view patient data. Whiteboard has link to all patient critical reports like ED-Visit summary report,
Insurance report, discharge report, changing status and alerts for any patient etc. Workspace manager is
infrastructure windows layout for all other applications to be used. Workspace Manager defines layout
strategies for windows/forms output (e.g. Tabbed layout, vertical layout etc). Forms Tool is a combination
of different forms used by users to input or access patient data. Assessments, Interventions, Triage,
Discharge forms are its components.

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Roles & Responsibilities:

Involved in writing test cases looking Use Case diagram, discussing with developers, clinical
analysts, and system engineers.
Also followed used cases, flow charts and meeting information to write test cases.
Performed execution of test cases manually to verify the expected results.
Used Mercury Quality Center 9.0 to state requirements, business components, test cases, test
runs for every iterations. Also linked defects with test runs and linked test cases with
Involved in refactor of test cases to get along with requirement changes.
Extensively tested applications written in C#, java, Cobol (for middle tier) in .Net and J2ee
Involved in every Iteration Planning meetings, iteration retrospective meetings as a process of
agile methodology.
Well adapted in changing environments.
Involved in regular Walk-through with entire team.
Involved in meetings with Business Analysts, Clinical Analysts, System Engineers, and
developers for writing test cases.
Used Aqua Data 4.1 (SQL Client) to connect to test database server and to perform backend
testing as a part of validation and verification effort. Extensive wrote SQL to validate actual
record with expected record data.
Clear any GAP to maintain clean trace matrix.
Used QTP 9.1 for Data Driven Testing, system and regression testing in .NET environment.
Performed regression testing in all iterations.
Coordinated with other vendor team for Modification Requests and Document Management
Categorized bugs based on the severity and interfaced with developers to resolve them.
Extensively used Microsoft Office Suite of products for documentation and data interpretation.
Actively participated in enhancement meetings focused on making the product more effective in
real time scenario.
Rewrote test cases for changing requirements.
Maintained bugs. Cleaned orphan test cases. Verified childless requirements and linked as needed.
Transaction Verified through Data Verification of Backend database using SQL Queries.
Extensively used select, inner joins, aggregates (SQL) to verify data with expected data.
Wrote triggers, cursors in PL-SQL to automate functionalities to test data using SQL.
Used Quick Test Pro (QTP) to test most of the Web modules. Created actions using VB scripts
and created Shared object repository for the entire test set.
Validated the application for Regression Testing by inserting Database, Bitmap and
GUI checkpoints also.
Use User Defined functions and libraries to use them in new test actions.
Used SoapUI 1.7.6 to test web services, functions using wsdl files.
Used TCPMon to capture SOAP messages between client and server and use that soap message in
SOAPUI to run web services and test web services.
Participated in bugs report and tracking discussion meetings (occurs every 2 weeks) with lead,
developers and clinical analyst.
Regress bugs in every build in quality center as soon as they are changed to fixed, returned status
from developers.
Used select, joins, aggregates extensively to test application output data with excepted data.
Submitted report on orphan requirements, test run results.
Involved in everyday stand-ups to report daily status of my work.
Perform smoke test for every build release to start functional, regression testing and
performance testing.
Performed manual performance testing.
Did Ad-hoc testing to quickly regress functionalities whenever needed.
Extensively did Exploratory Testing from the first build until the release of the software and filed
Tested synchronization requirements.
Wrote script for smoke test for all integrated components to test application as a whole.
Was also in the Build pass team to smoke test every release / build to pass build for testing team.
Extensively tested application in integration environment for all users, verified their roles in every
component of the application as required to ensure user authority and accessibility
Made old hardware ready for testing pathways to begin testing for other testers.
Environment: .Net 3.0, WPF, C#, HTML, J2EE, QTP, Mercury Quality Center, Windows XP, Oracle


MULTI Soft, California Mar 2000 – Aug 2001
Software Programmer
This is a project related to handling the distribution of solar plant to different dealers, who would sell those solar
powers to regular or new clients. There is quota system for each dealer according to his or her business and

Roles & Responsibilities:
Read flow chart, Sequence Diagrams, Use case diagrams.
Involved in database schema design and creating relational tables.
Requirements gathering and analysis, Design, Development and Testing.
Used Project Builder to track and control application documents, source code files, charts, forms,
reports, and queries.
Used Forms Builder to create Forms that interact with users in the form of GUI that also sends and
received data to and from database server (Oracle 8).
Use Property Palette, Object Navigator, Layout wizard to create Forms.
Identify and create master detail relationship. Create Master-Detail form using Data Block wizard.
User Report Builder to create standard tabular reports, Live Previewer.
Use templates to create reports, understand report storage methods.
Document the report using report builder.
Used SQL, PLSQL, Cursors, and stored procedures to manipulate data.
Environment: Developer 2000, Oracle 8, windows, Microsoft suite.


Academic Project Experience
Did various numerical methodology projects in c/c++.
Created Fishing Game as a final project in Visual C++ using object orientation concept.
Created Library System using Turbo C++.
Created online bookstore using PHP, MYSQL, apache, html, CSS, JavaScript.
Did order system project in MS-Access, VB to explain relational database concept.
Used java swing, threads, OOP concepts, MYSQL, JDBC, CSS, JavaScript to create attendance
and scheduling application. It had features like create, delete users, login, logout, session
management, check in and check out time, calculation of daily, weekly, monthly and yearly work
time, day off flag for scheduling.
Used VB, MS-SQL server to create windows program.
Used JSP, java beans, MYSQL server, apache tomcat to create online book store. User login,
session management, maintaining user portfolio, recommending books according to user’s
viewing and buying habit, adding, deleting users. Eclipse, CCS, JDBC are used in this project.
Did tests in UNIX/ Linux to use extensive UNIX commands and shell scripting.
Did AND, OR, NOR, XOR gates logic simulator programming in C++ using object orientation
approach, pointers.


Checklists for Resume Writing.

  1. Did you read job ad requirement carefully to digest keywords?
  2. Does your resume have contact information section with all must-have information?
  3. Does contact section contains full name, email, phone?
  4. Are you using the right resume format with summary section?
  5. Is your resume 1-2 pages atleast?
  6. Did you include all the must-have sections mentioned above in your resume?
  7. Did you list all relevant work experiences with detail focus on current company or latest company?
  8. Did you list roles and  responsibilities for all companies possible?
  9. Did you tailor your resume to the job ad you’re applying for with proper keywords?
  10. Did you mention the right amount of work experience in your resume?
  11. Did you list your education section in your resume?
  12. Did you add any extra achievements, tools, software used which make sense for current application?
  13. Did you list all the right skills for the position you’re applying for?
  14. Did you add any other important or optional resume sections like hobbies, volunteer?
  15. Did you proof-read your resume? Ask a professional or use Grammarly.



Resume Templates

Pick a resume template, fill it out, and format. Create a professional resume in a few clicks. Just choose one of 19+ resume templates below, add ready-made content, download, and get ready for interview.


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