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12 inspiring answers for your interview flaws

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1 Find here examples of answers to the famous question at the job interview “What are your worst weaknesses?” “.

Find here examples of answers to the famous question at the job interview “What are your worst weaknesses?” “.




Managers and recruiters will ask ” What are your areas for improvement?” “Sounds more positive than talking about flaws.

Or, “ Give us a reason why not to hire you. », It sounds more sadomasochistic!

Even though, like you, I don’t really believe in the benefits of interviewing flaws, I can help you get away with it every time!

Some hiring managers will ask it to assess your self-knowledge.

Others, to fill in a blank.

Let’s give them something to sweeten their teeth!



37 to 32 Buddhist monks (5 deaths during the process) have studied this over the past half century.

I soaked up their teaching in the mountains of Tibet.

Their conclusion?


This question makes no sense! But if it is asked, you might as well prepare for it.


Wise words …




  1. The question that highlights : With well-chosen questions, the recruiter lets you take your ease
  2. The trick question : Recruiter’s “destabilization” mode. Unconfirmed goal: the elimination of candidates!
  3. The question of use : availability, salary, English or technical evaluation


The question of defects is a trick question!

Fortunately, recruiters are leading the fight in the HR community for their elimination:

We do not evaluate candidates by putting glues on them, this only favors those who know how to get by (good candidates) to the detriment of qualified people (good employees) …


– Guillaume Desnoyers, CRHA,  More lists of trick questions


NB  Failing to be able to eliminate the question forever, we will prepare you today as a “good candidate”.  Avoid over-preparation. Leave room for your spontaneity and your imagination !



Prepare yourself a little anyway! 🙂

You can only trust your beautiful eyes.

Some answers will need to be prepared in advance, such as those for the Defects question.

Or at least, the examples you will use should be chosen in advance.



Do not learn the answers in this article by heart. Choose YOUR examples, tell YOUR stories.

The question of flaws is difficult, you will want to show them that you are looking for an answer worthy of the name.

Well-placed silences will help you. A temporary meditation towards a felt, reflected response.

You can stay authentic, daring, philosophical, funny, touching, concrete, vulnerable, right there, in the present moment.

And this is where we come in. Because the present moment, it is scary in cr…



Before moving on to the examples of shortcomings in a job interview, it is essential that you focus on the overall tactics of getting through like a boss:

  1. Turn it into a question that makes you feel good : Using an answer related to the theme of commitment, passion or teamwork.
  2. Try to move on to the next question as soon as possible : Short exposure to trick questions and long exposure to questions that make you feel good.
  3. Use the uncovered profile : Open up to the recruiter, cold deliver your soul, score points on your human depth!
  4. Give examples of repentance and improvement : Let people perceive learning, experience and self-knowledge through less successful moves.



Impatience is the new trendy answer to the question of flaws.

It replaced the famous “perfectionism” over time: I apologize to all those whom I revealed the trick!

This is indeed one of the easiest answers that we will have the opportunity to see today.

However, if you are speaking for a customer service job (example: host / flight attendant), there are other answers for you in this article!


How to bring impatience? With commitment (+ humor)!

Impatient for the good of all.

Seasoned candidates use this answer to reflect their passion for completing projects as a team.

You are stimulating and non-irritating to others.

With the “exaggeration” leverage effect, you can create an atmosphere conducive to collective laughter!

I am someone who empowers others by providing them with opportunities to exceed delivery times, customer satisfaction and strive for excellence!


When I want something, I make my colleagues feel eager. For example, this time there is …

(Example of impatience)

Since that episode, I’ve been committed to becoming more zen and dealing with approval processes, however long they may be. In fact, I know they are protecting me from missteps. As a team, I remember to take a step back or talk about it when I experience frustrations related to the speed of project execution.

(Example of patience – improvement)



Is curiosity so ugly?

Curiosity is a bad thing, it is well known!

Despite this, its attractions are widespread and coveted. So that in the end, it is viewed favorably.

Employers want curious people, as long as they don’t overstep the line.


How to get curiosity? With intensity and deviation!

Curious = a fault. Let’s move on to another topic!

First, legitimize the defect, that is, make it serious enough for it to be taken seriously (with a relevant example).

For example, this time you walked into a place / group / project uninvited! Worse yet, this time when you didn’t give up and you were reluctantly given information.

You will be able to talk about how you learned to ask selected questions on a daily basis, less intrusive (“timing”).

Or, how you have better understood your role over the years.

Yes, it is possible to divert the recruiter from his canvas by asking him about other things he would like to know.

(You finish your sentence)

… Which has led me to better understand my role over the years.


Interesting. How do you see your role now?


I give you another possible answer:

I am a curious person and it has hurt me in the past …

(Example of curiosity)

Since then, I’ve tried not to see it as an intrusion. I have a great interest in the work of my colleagues but I try to balance my desire for involvement. Rather, I offer my support when needed and let them create new approaches I wouldn’t have thought of!

(Example of carelessness, creativity)



Shyness, the best kept secret of recruiters!

The hiring of timid candidates has its share of success and often turns out to be winning tickets.

See also  Mental health in the resumption program: 4 tips to support your employees

Shyness is more of a character trait. Still, you can present it as a flaw: bring out the good and the bad aspects of your reserved side.

How to bring about shyness? With influence (+ smile)!

Your opinion is taken into account. Give them an example!

Shyness can cause you to lose your footing in stressful situations, like a job interview, presentations, or team meetings!

This is why the example you choose could be this time when your recommendations have been taken into consideration: demonstrate your discreet leadership and the position taken.

In a crisis situation, you are trusted.

I’m shy, even if it’s not always obvious …

(Example of shyness)

I give my opinion more and more in team meetings. I usually talk less so we give importance to what I say!

Then, I always respect the dating protocols and help make them short and effective!

(Naughty smile here)


Other tips

1. Avoid overplaying her NOT shy:

Me? Not shy at all!


2. Avoid overplaying her HYPER shy:

Chui so shy, I shiver!



You can tell them that what others perceive as shyness is actually introversion.

Shyness is the fear of negative judgment, and introversion is a preference for calm and minimally stimulating environments.


Susan Cain, extracted from  The Power of Introverts in a World That Can not Stop Talking (free translation)


# 4 – PRIDE

Ouache ! The ego.

It’s hard to broach the subject in a job interview when you know that all companies are looking for a team guy, not a starlet of unfinished work!

How to make the following people more tolerable?

  1. racer  from Laval or Saint-Eustache or (insert the chosen city here).
  2. A freelance discaire from Mount Royal.
  3. A blogger ( oops )!


We will find them qualities.


How to bring pride? With leadership (+ forfeiture)!

Show that you don’t have that much ego if you can recognize it!

Showcase your leadership skills. Above all, you must regain points in the “team spirit” box.

I have undertaken several significant projects for which people naturally followed me, including …

(Example of leadership)

Either we all succeeded together, or failed together but in any case, we came out of it grown. The important thing is to start things with others and to finish them with them.

(Example of forfeiture here)


The example of forfeiture


Use an example that makes you look ridiculous and laugh it all together!

Remember an episode where you thought you were above the league. Then who left you in tomato juice!

It’s time to release this card !!!

Pass your poise as what they will remember most after the interview, not to mention the smirk they will have when remembering your example of failure!

Humility, salt, pepper, serve hot. We have a recipe to avoid even more trick questions.

You read correctly…

To indulge once in a true and unique way is to avoid other questions like: ” What is the worst blunder you’ve ever made?” “,” Tell us about a stressful situation you have experienced “, or” What disagreements have you had with a client / colleague “.

Recruiters will bypass these questions to speed up the interview, give you a good grade, and get back to their Excel files.



Really, we are not playing in the lace today! The laziness! Wow !! Watch out, defect champion, we go to a difficulty level of 9/10: expert advice… for expert audiences!

No choice: the question is often framed to force us to tap into deadly sins (“ What are your WORST flaws? ”).

Laziness sounds heavy.

Rarely will we praise the one who gets up at 11:30 am or the smart guy who finds the best ways to combine comfort, work and productivity!


How to bring about laziness? With priority management and life balance!

You will need to shift the discussion from the topic of laziness to that of time management.

Collect your thoughts on real values!

Seek approval from your audience.

Recruiters will eventually have to nod their heads in approval: aim for points of family values, conciliation and life balance!

To achieve this, one example would not be too many! Remember strategy # 3. A difficult answer can earn you a high score for transparency and human depth.

Professional achievement is crucial, as is relaxation. The two go together. When I do things at the last minute, it’s always for the purpose of spending time with family and friends. This is a worthwhile achievement for me.

(Example of life balance)

I learned to be proactive on my files …

(Example of proactive case management)



Take advantage of this popular term today.

Do you only do things once? Have you become an expert in the art of automation, delegation and positive reinforcement?

You are an intrapreneur!

The majority of workers learn a system and do not dare to change it. If you’re the one who has the guts to tweak it, you might be the one they’re looking for:

I am lazy sometimes. But I also tend to put the right efforts in the right places. I am an intrapreneur! I can take over the work that few people want to do, like organizational development: identifying customers, selecting suppliers and improving processes. My work generates money and saves costs.

(Example of intrapreneur)



Everyone can identify with this word too:

I work hard, but maybe procrastinate a little! I have a lazy vision of myself but deep down it’s because I feel guilty for doing nothing. To try to be less anxious, I have to review my standards for success, like the rest of society!

(Example of transformation of values)




Failed communication is easier as an approach. So much so that one could wonder if it is legal!

You will therefore run a major danger: that the recruiters do not have enough to eat.

Nevertheless, it is likely to meet our second overall objective of the day, which is to move on to the next question.


How to bring failed communication? With generalization!

Globalize the problem to the human race (!) And focus the response on your strengths.

Everyone has already made a communication error! Pick an example for yourself!

In my career, I have faced major communication challenges. For example…

(Example of failed communication)

We can all improve with regard to communications! I’m part of! Some are more adept with oral, written, public, internal, external, web, etc. communications. For my part, my strengths in communication are pitches and interpersonal skills …

(Example of a successful sales pitch)


Recently I told a coworker to take care of the ABC file but he misunderstood my instructions and instead looked into the XYZ project. I should have told him THIS rather than THAT. It was problematic, we had trouble meeting the deadlines. In the future, I will remember to communicate my expectations more clearly. For example…

(Example of well-executed communication)



Not able to say “no” eh ?

The yesman’s response is more credible and more original than that of perfectionism.

Even if it is imprinted with a bit of ketaine, the answer is legitimate, as long as it is presented as a real weakness.

Faced with this effort to find an exonerating answer, recruiters will appreciate witnessing your internal struggle towards the quest for a minimum of things to say on the subject!

Ready to surprise them?


How to bring the yesman ? With heart and passion!

You’ll want to play the card of the guy with the heart. Not to mention a good dose of humility, right?

Saying “yes” to anything will make you less productive, give you a hard time with your priorities. Others will have already thought about it before you! 😉

It is a little more complicated to find examples of situations in which your attitude has embarrassed you. These are examples like this that recruiters will want to hear.

Recently at XYZ Company, I remember a tight end of the month where I was still in the office finishing the financial statements on a Friday at 6:00 PM! A colleague asked me for help in balancing his numbers and although hesitant, I agreed. It took longer than expected but we finally got there. I had to come home on Saturday to finish my own work but after helping someone else I finished on Sunday! My boss was not happy at the time. After explanation, he understood. Since…



You have entered a phase of improvement.

Offer them an example where you said “no”.

Then say how it was beneficial.

I grew up from this experience because if I had to do it again, I would do it again. Even as it happened recently, I helped a colleague, except that I knew how to set my limits …

(Example of planning and teamwork)

What was different this time around was that I planned my work accordingly, in case such emergencies arose again.



Beauty in imperfection.

Are you missing any of the technical skills described in the job posting? You do not speak English? Are you taking an X training course?

See also  Headhunter: understand your role and how to become one

Some job seekers use the timing of interview flaws to refer to a lack of technical knowledge or know-how.

Was this a good strategy…? Does that answer the question?

Well if it can save you in times of destabilization , we allow you to use it, with extreme moderation!

For example, at the third fault.


How to bring about the lack of knowledge or know-how? With transferable skills (+ willingness to learn)!

Say what you are doing now to improve yourself.

Mention that you have learned to live with this gap until today, but that your potential for growth is real.

You will only need a little to be level because …

After all, you have transferable skills!

Then, you have already started training: a non-negligible aspect!

I know several programming languages. I learned them all one after the other. Currently, I practice X technology …

(Example with X technology)

I am afraid, however, that I am not up to date on the Y technology mentioned in the job posting. It’s quite similar but it’s been a while since I played with it! How much are you using Y technology for your customers?


Future projects? Not sure…

Many job seekers will fall back on the studies they intend to undertake:

… Even that I intend to start classes in English very soon!

– Yeah, yeah, we’ve heard that one before , the recruiters will think.


Others will rather choose the technique of ” That’s exactly why!” “:

That’s exactly why I want to work with you, to travel and learn English!

– He’s the one we were looking for! (sarcasm)


Potential destabilization

What do you want to avoid at all costs?

Whether you’re unpacking your bag about missing training and that’s not what the recruiter wants to hear:

Instead, present me with points for improvement that are linked to your interpersonal skills.

(unsettled you are)



If you are moody, well here is your fault!

Contemplative and dreamy, you forget names, addresses, numbers, important moments, your keys, your head.

It must be treated well?


How to bring about memory loss? With stress management (+ humor)!

Again, a good example will help.

A trip gone wrong? An uneasy situation? Retaliation following an oversight?

We want crispy!

Put yourself in anecdotal mode.

I really forget everything, it’s crazy! I remember this time …

(Example of forgetting)

Since then I have been trying to organize myself better …

(Example of organizational method)


Good game! You’ve just deflected the conversation onto something they want to hear:   your organizational and planning skills!

Since just forgetting things doesn’t necessarily mean you are disorganized, does it?

Get ready, they will ask you about it.


I realize it can be frustrating to be with me sometimes because I am so upset. Despite this, people accept me as I am, because in all situations, you notice that I see the bright side of things. Then, among friends and colleagues, we always end up laughing about it one day or another: whether we like it or not, it makes good stories to tell!

(Example of forgetting)



Let’s have a thought for our 9 to 5 donuts, the stubborn ones!

A good answer to the question of interview defects. Not too engaging, you can get away with it gracefully.

Competitive, bossy, relentless, stubborn, you pour excessive determination into every battle. Defeats leave you with a bitter taste in your mouth. You want to win. But you forget the struggles of others.

Stubbornness, an effective means or an obstacle to strategy?


How to bring stubbornness? With open-mindedness!

Do not scratch the team spirit! Yes, we now know that any answer to the question of faults should not undermine the “team spirit” card.

Take a line of communication that will protect you in this regard.

I can be stubborn when it comes to making a decision or negotiating.

(Example of stubbornness)

But over time I realized that I make much better decisions as a team and looking for win-win deals.

(Example of open-mindedness)


Strength of character

You could also choose this route. Demonstrate a situation where stubbornness caused a group to stand tall or your persistence with a collaborator proved beneficial to the organization.

Subtly send the message that it is the right values ​​(yours) that win the day at the end of the story.

(You finish your example)

I am proud that the most just cause won.


For the team

Remember! You are stubborn in making decisions in the best interests of the team !!!

It’s not always the best team that wins, it’s the one that played the best.


– George St-Pierre ( free translation )



Are you always told that you talk too much?

Unlike the timid, you can deal with the fact that you are a talker that you have to interrupt often.

A significant defect!

Thereupon, I am silent.


How to bring loquacity? With inclusiveness!

Even if you talk a lot, you are inclusive and listen.

You want to make the other feel good, to get them to communicate more.

Your talkativeness is appreciated by your colleagues. You add atmosphere: we often tell you!

I speak a lot, it’s true, but I often ask my colleagues to get their opinion. Basically, I just want to make the discussions go more naturally and avoid awkward silences. I think you can get the best out of a person by getting them to participate, laugh and build lots of projects together.

(Silence, they will ask you for a sample project)


To speak or not to speak?

Saying that you talk too much will suddenly make the interview strange. For what remains, you will wonder whether to strengthen the defect or mitigate it.


The facilitator’s technique

To return to a jovial atmosphere of exchange, relaunch them with:

And you, what are your areas for improvement?


They will find it funny! And you thus solidify your initial key message (listen and solicit others), brilliant!




If you’re like me, your sense of humor has taken you into rough terrain, including at work.

A nervous little laugh, too long a silence waiting for a reaction and that’s it, the joke is a flop .

In an interview, will you take the risk that your failed little trick misses the target a second time?

How to get the funny guy ? With good wine!

Choose this episode of failed joke which, like good wine, has aged!

This is the 100th time that you say it, you know how to puncher !

My fault? I sometimes make jokes when I don’t have to. For example, this episode at work …

(Example got even better over time)

Like today, we all laughed about it! Of course, I took the time to apologize to the person concerned and we became very good friends afterwards. And this anecdote still comes out at every dinner between us!


Like the time I brought a bear to work, we had a good laugh …



I hope this reading has inspired you with some tasteful stories. You will have understood that the examples are always the key to the riddle.

The truth is, recruiters are dying to hear your examples of forfeiture! They are humans like you. They want to see and recognize themselves in you.

As presented, humor is welcome in all everyday situations, including the interview.

To squeeze in the always-very-difficult question of faults, why not?

Tell stories. Adjust your delivery. Get hired for your personality!

At the start of the meeting, the evaluators themselves are often a bit frozen. It’s normal. Stay authentic and try to relax. The more you bathe in an attitude of serenity and confidence, the more your body language will reflect your condition and may positively contaminate the assessors.


– Annabelle Boyer, The 8 non-verbal signs that your interview is going well

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