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Salary increase: mistakes not to make

request a pay raise

The maximum person in charge of the company negotiates his salary normally when he joins, whenever there is a change in his responsibilities or in important business circumstances, or annually, that is, within the normal exercise of reviews. Your salary is based on the results of the company and the salary structure of the company if it is a large multinational. But, in general, senior managers do not “ask for a raise,” in its most literal sense.

In the case of other average positions in the company, circumstances may arise in which the level of responsibility and professional competence have lagged behind the market; this fact can lead to speak with the boss to request a review. Our recommendations follow this line.

First, you need to consider the company’s budget cycle, and when they get used to considering salary reviews. This is important, because if the boss has not budgeted an increase, it can be very difficult, even if you consider it fair, to achieve a review.

In other circumstances, the time to request a raise is the same as when you have been promoted, your responsibilities have increased, you have had significant success, or you have made any extraordinary and objectively recognized contribution.

You must take into account the culture of the company, it is something that every professional, and in addition, every manager must know. That means knowing the internal processes and the means of communication: who to contact, how and when: in general, it is preferable to speak openly face to face with the boss, and request an interview with him specifying the reason for the “demand”.

Among the arguments to be put forward, in addition to those already mentioned, it would be necessary to include your contribution to the company, your degree of integration in it, the economic progress of the company, and that of the policy and salary structure compared to other professionals who they have a similar level of responsibility.

A good exercise can be to write a note about the reasons, contributions and intentions, before having an interview with the boss: it will serve to clarify the ideas, to be able to present them in order and not to forget any important point. As to whether that note is a script for the interview or that a memo is written, it will depend on the culture of the company, although in general it is more convenient to do it face to face in a normal conversation between professionals.

Finally, assessing the economic amount of the promotion is complicated since normally the remuneration is a function of the contribution and the level of responsibility of the person and therefore is a very relative value.

Asking for a raise cannot be improvised!

You want to bounce back, relaunch your career, move towards new functions or even carry out a professional reorientation , in all cases, you will have to develop a professional project.


Why ask for a raise?

Often it makes more sense to negotiate your salary when recruiting, because today it is always difficult to ask for a raise or even to ask for a promotion .

However, you have for some time:

  • overwork;
  • new responsibilities;
  • or a new job in the company.

It is obvious to you that a salary increase is necessary, because it is necessary for your career development.

However, it should not be approached in a conflict situation, nor should it be experienced as an unpleasant moment to pass.

Know how to approach it serenely to obtain satisfaction.



When to ask for a raise?

In general, salary increases in companies take place on a fixed date. They are often defined during the skills assessment following an assessment interview that you had with your manager.

The increase can be collective or individual.

The individual increase often corresponds to:

  • a new assumption of responsibilities;
  • new performances;
  • or new skills acquired as a result of qualifying training or diploma training .

However, an opportunity may also allow you to request a raise such as:

  • a new project entrusted;
  • a change of organization.

In any case, choose the right time to ask for your raise and not between two doors or even before an important meeting for your boss.



How do you ask for an adjustment ?

As a first step, to request an increase, it is essential to:

  • be familiar with the environment in which you work;
  • identify the perception of your interlocutor: what are their main evaluation criteria? ;
  • Define your constraints and your objectives.

You will therefore argue to make yourself understood and heard by your manager by insisting on the message you want to convey to him.

To do this :

  • know exactly how to assess the range of increases, be realistic and consistent with the company’s salary policy;
  • consult the studies of remuneration made by the press, Internet sites, job offers, be in adequacy with the job market.

Your speech will be well prepared, clear and precise, and your request will be based on solid arguments.

  • Prepare concrete and costed examples;
  • attest to your achieved and validated objectives;
  • list your successes (project, new client, increase in turnover).
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Salary increase: mistakes not to make

Some errors could be fatal and lead to a refusal, therefore:

  • do not be vindictive;
  • stay within the professional framework and do not highlight your personal problems (separation, financial problems);
  • avoid confrontational attitudes and blackmail.

If you still receive a refusal, try to negotiate a bonus or another advantage (company vehicle, financing of training) or a staggering or postponement of the increase.



7 tips to successfully ask for a raise

When you negotiate a salary increase it is more effective to request an upward revision without talking about a specific increase.

If you want to ask for a raise, follow these 7 tips :

1. Prepare all the documentation beforehand

When you are going to ask for a salary increase, you need to support that request with a solid argument that helps defend it . Therefore, it is key to get success reports, a list of the days in which you have worked on the weekend, after stipulated hours or tasks that have been carried out that were characteristic of another colleague who was able to execute them at the time.

On the other hand, it is positive to summarize the personal achievements that had an impact on the good of the organization : delivery times exceeded several days in advance, some valuable specific advice that saved from a dangerous grounding, some project against the clock, etc.

2. Do not ask for the salary increase in an informal meeting: ask for a meeting

When such a request is to be made, it is advisable to request a meeting with the person who will make the final decision and that it be a meeting of at least half an hour. It is not advisable to provoke the meeting in an informal situation (for example, in the cafeteria room or during a company lunch), because the proposal will not be taken so seriously.

3. At the meeting: assess the good aspects of the company

When contact with the interlocutor begins, before asking for anything, it is important to thank them for having been received. Below is a good summary of the good aspects of the company , for which you are grateful.

Even if they are prepared, a natural tone of voice should be used when exposing them, it should not cost, if you really believe in them. And if you ask for a raise, you believe in them, right? We must remember that in this life the one who does it better does not win, but the one who negotiates better.

4. Request an upward revision of salary range, not to mention a specific increase

After the phrases of thanks, it is the moment in which the employee will be able to request that, due to his dedication and involvement, he would like his salary range to be revised upwards.

More is accomplished when you please ask for the salary range to be revised than for a 5% increase, for example.

5. Defend the proposal of your salary increase

Asking for a raise is like a declaration of love. It costs a lot to start, but once you have confessed, everything flows more easily. At the moment when the declaration of intent has already begun, is when the employee must defend his proposal with the documentation he has prepared .

6. After the request, use the technique of silence

Once the request has been made, it is advisable to remain silent observing the other party, study how they behave and how they react. People do not usually put up with silence well and respond quickly. However, it must also be borne in mind that the interlocutor does not have to decide at the moment.

So at that point, you should never pressure yourself to make a decision . And, of course, never threaten to leave the competition or leave the company: proposals must always be put forward in a positive light.

7. Not comparing yourself to a partner

As a strategy, it is not advisable to compare yourself to a coworker . The typical phrase of “so-and-so” works less than me and earns more, it is not advisable. It leaves a bad image and also the salary conditions agreed with the other person in their day are not our concern.



Humorous tips & harmful attitudes when asking for pay raise

Threatening to leave the company to go to another and play with counter-offers: the decision to leave a company for economic reasons, which may be valid at any given time, should never lead to the counter-offer game.

Harmful attitudes:

  • Press with another offer;
  • Threatening to leave;
  • Show angry, grumbling, uncomfortable, annoying, for being unhappy. Apart from being harmful to the professional himself, it does not earn him anything, quite the opposite;
  • Not having objective reasons, but asking for a salary increase without reasons;

Yes, even if it’s New Year!

Here are some humorous tips.


  • Eliminate the word salary from your speech, it squeaks less that of “improving our working relationship”.
  • Don’t ask for a raise: it suggests “staying on track and working progress.”
  • Don’t talk about yourself, but about your boss’s job: he’ll love you for it.
  • Study the boss’s mood and don’t choose the time when he just got past spending the phone to talk to him.
  • Take advantage of the pats of your superiors and return them with a “to see if it is true that I am so good”.
  • Never comment on your boss’s family. No, not even good.
  • Strolling around the office in tattered pants and a grief face doesn’t work … but you don’t need to look more like a boss than the boss, either.
  • “Thomas, from consulting firm X, asked me if I wanted to earn 24 million a year, but I have told him that I am better here, with you …”.
  • Don’t run your union card around the office – use it if necessary. No, only if necessary.
  • The gift to your partner is well seen, be imaginative: Better your boss!
  • And the most important: “Boss, you and I deserve a raise! Or not?”
  • Recommended and applicable to the interpretation of this last chapter: show that you enjoy your work, no one will pay you more for suffering so much (or looking it).




How to ask for a successful raise, in 9 keys

Knowing how and when to ask for a salary promotion is complex and occupationally risky.

1. Find out the average salary of your job

If you already have an idea of ​​what is earned in your sector and specifically in your workplace, you can skip this point. However, if you are not clear, you can do some searching to find out if you are earning less than you should.

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If you ask your coworkers directly, they may not tell you, so you can use the internet and find out what the average salary is for the job you do. Obviously, each situation is different , so after knowing these data, you must assess how valuable you are within the company, your studies, the years you have been in the company, etc. and make a global assessment of what you perceive.

2. Present facts

You also need to find out how the company is doing. If you are having a good time or not. If your company presents it is in good economic health and the sector in which it operates is in a good moment, you have a better chance of achieving a salary increase. Now, to win your boss you have to present facts and evidence, that he sees that the money he invests in you is profitable.

3. Choose the right time

You must be cautious when requesting a salary increase, because you should avoid it in cases where the organization is going through an economic hardship or there is uncertainty in the sector. It may also be important to know if there are other members of the company who have had their wages increased. After investigating, if conditions are favorable, go ahead . Perhaps this is the time to earn a monetary incentive.

4. Do you have a better offer?

Without a doubt, the best strategy to get a salary increase is if your superior values ​​you and the other companies in the sector as well. You may be very lucky that there are other companies that have taken an interest in your services and want you to work with them. If you have already interviewed another company and they want to hire you, and you would not mind leaving where you currently are, you can tell your boss about the situation and renegotiate the contract you have at work. Maybe you can get an extra …

5. Decide what you will do if it goes wrong

Before you go into your superior’s office to ask for a raise, think carefully about what you are going to do if his answer is no. If you do what is explained in the previous point, you must be clear that you must not only have another company in mind as a way to blackmail, but you must be clear that you will leave the company if you do not increase your salary. If you say you have been offered another position and then it is not true, the play may go wrong.

6. Request an interview with your superior

Asking for a raise should be well thought out and planned. It is not a matter of going directly into the boss’s office and presenting the situation to him as is. Nor should you present your ideas when you meet him in the hallway. Make an appointment with him and plan well what you are going to tell him .

7. Use the appropriate words

Asking for a raise can be a bit of an awkward situation and therefore how you present the situation is important. Ideally, you should not only explain what you contribute, but also highlight the company’s achievements . For example: “I realize that the company’s financial situation is improving. Our department has been working hard and my latest performance evaluations have been exceptional. I wonder if a 5 percent increase in my salary would be possible?”

8. Take care of the attitude

It’s okay to use the right words, but it’s also important to be careful how you say it. You must remain calm and be as objective as possible. Your speech must be based on facts and evidence. If you ask for a raise, justify it and show that you deserve it.

9. Get to the point

If you ask for a catkin it is because you consider that you deserve it, so be clear in what you ask for. If you think you have earned enough merit to receive a certain amount, expose it. Now be realistic . If your boss argues that the economy is not there to make more expenses, perhaps you can get other benefits: refresher training, a better schedule or an internal promotion.



Asking for a raise can be a tricky situation, so you should be very clear about how you do it. Therefore, you must assess whether you really charge below the average for your sector and job and if the company can afford to increase your monthly remuneration because it has a healthy economy.

If you think there is a chance that your payroll will be increased, choose the right time, be very clear about what you are asking for and explain the reasons why they should pay you more. Do not forget that, if the economic situation does not allow it, you can get other benefits such as a better schedule.



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