job search

12 advanced job search methods

job search methods

Our lives are forever changed by the ” Apply ” button.


We clicked on the peak, a winter Wednesday in 2000… 2000 something. I forgot, all my winters were a bit the same back then.

We did not really know what it was, this beautiful job offer, these words selected to perfection, tinged with promises and commitments for eternity.


“ I applied for that. It sounded like really fun this job. 


               – You and me, a winter of 2000 something.



A few days, months, years later, we find ourselves not knowing what happened with the job in question. We are still a long way from the exciting career.

The job was ultimately just a honeymoon .

That’s not what they told us when they started.

Due to lack of time and energy to find something else, it occupied us not just 6 months (as we wanted at the beginning), but 5 years.

Everything that happened thereafter took on gigantic proportions.

We had to move to be closer to them. We had to get up at 5:30 in the morning to go to a place where it didn’t appeal to us.

We neglected our relationship, our friends, our health, our family and our good habits because we had to prove ourselves, constantly seek their approval.

As expected, we were judged, humiliated, stressed, depressed, vulnerable and frustrated between 4 walls where we should not have been when leaving.

Only the cup of vino in the evening made sense to us.

We found ourselves stuck in a job we didn’t like and where we had no business to stay .

The timing got hold of us. The job posting came up at the right time and got us to click on it.

He was passing through . You grabbed it.

It was relatively simple …

Make a CV. Please complete the following. Apply.


Our desire for simplicity , in this decision as important as our career, has cost us a lot of energy.

We will say, “ I have no regrets  ”. But with hindsight, we will know that this job was a mistake.

Yet it was under our noses.

It would have been necessary to seek to know a little more . Or at least, listen to our little feeling at the beginning, the one that told us that there is something wrong.

The shortest way did not bring us to Rome. So, was the answer to our problems the “ Apply Here ” button ?

We do not regret the experience, however, because it is educational. Now, why start the game of chance again when we know we can do better now?

If there is anything to learn from our respective winter 2000 universe changes, maybe it is not to apply to anything .

What if there was another way? Rockier, more dangerous, longer, but the one likely to actually get you to the top?

You have an “ atypical ” profile , you say?

From there, what do we do?



The freak’s state of mind

Harsh times require great resources (hello COVID).

To really take control of our career, we have to use our ” freak ” side.


Therein lies the secret to finding a great opportunity.

OK, not the scary freak …

Think more about your frosty side , the freaky-freaky side  of your personality, the person we have fun with at a party .

Both fun and manic at the same time, you’ll plan your attack.

Do not worry.

You won’t look presumptuous or Dexter, going for months looking for information on your target.

But that’s what you have to do , by developing the art of doing… as if nothing had happened!

You will arrive at the interview with the approach ” It’s normal to know, I live in the neighborhood!” “.

Yes, because you still have to look sane in the story.

It is your great seduction . Assume it. Court your target with authenticity, without going overboard.


You will have to take the first steps

Find the courage to approach the employer of your dreams without fear.

Maybe not today, but in 3-6-12 months, when you have done your homework.

Put your shyness out of use: it is fueled by your ego .

Think about your high school cafeteria table, it will remind you where your apprehensions come from. The same ones that forced you to sit where you sat (with the nerds , or not).

There is no difference today. The social restrictions always force you to sit down where you sit.

They prevent you from trying the unthinkable, a bit like approaching the 10/10 girl whose rejection you dread.

Decades later, the same cafeteria table is waiting for you.

You are still running for the acceptance and recognition of your table. Then, the look of other tables around, by people you barely know.

Once, she was the most beautiful girl in the schoolyard to whom you yourself refused entry. Now he is the perfect employer.

You will have to fight your demons . Otherwise you will keep moving from one promising job offer to another, relying your success on luck, crossing your fingers and praying to God that this time around you are not betrayed by fine words.


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Turn the tables

Participating in an entry competition produces high dopamine in you. For me too.

We are tested, and we love it.

In order to feel normal, we will want to take this test without further delay.

Our victory will remind us that one day we were the best in a competition.

Instead of us being chosen, we reversed the role and allowed them to be in the decision-maker’s chair , again.


You will have played their game, and lost.

We’ve all been there.

We will take comfort in the narrative assembled from scratch to submit to it, immersed in a mental discourse that defines our limitations :

  • “ Either way, it’s impossible to find information about them online. 
  • “ I don’t know how to sell myself and besides, I hate it. 
  • “ They told me we can just apply online. 
  • ” It’s going to sound too much, right?” 


To have a dream job, you have to put exaggerated efforts into obtaining it.

For the first or millionth time in our life, we will have to be a freak .



Find the time

Let go of a good part of your occupations. Then, accept that your other personal and professional commitments will not be fulfilled as well as usual.

It’s only temporary.

Give yourself a few months of data compilation, trial and error.

Aim for plan A like there is no tomorrow. Don’t settle.


You are practising? You may need to switch from a gain program to a maintenance program to regain time.

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Allow yourself a little muscle pullback, to come back in force to your personal goals a few weeks or months later.

You will explain to your family why you are not as present as it should be. They will understand.

You do it for your happiness, and theirs.

Show them the big picture .

Why is this important to you? Remind them frequently.



Start the investigation

interview etiquette

Like a serial killer , you pin photos and memory cards on a bulletin board in the garage to understand the organizational chart and influence play on your target.

Extend your seduction to the company’s competitors , not only could you capitalize on jealousy, but these competitors could become your targets if your plan A does not succeed.

Be patient, it might take longer than expected. Do not lose sight of the end goal. Concentrate and …


The contract they will give you amounts to tens of thousands of dollars and represents a significant leap for your career. Your time, your money, your intelligence and your power of seduction will be essential levers to obtain it.

Invest in mechanisms that allow you to achieve your goal and find systems that make you productive.

A mini-defeat, if it ever happens, is not the end. It is only one step . You will always have other options to pick up where you left off.



You are not needy , you are a king

Throughout the process, you will make them feel like you are playing their game, while earning little psychological victories that will remind you that you are in control.

A king behaves like a king.

For example, send them your availability on Calendly. Not the opposite.

Send them the Zoom link yourself.

Invite them to a location of your choice when possible.

You select the restaurant.

You pay for the coffee.

You leadest the discussion by introducing subjects, as well as asking questions.

Agree on a strict length of time for the meeting or the call, as you have other dates later in the day.

Incidentally mention many potential opportunities. Let it show that you are someone with options , and busy.

Fill your diary, even for your exercise times, your breaks, your trips. You are extremely organized. That too they will see.

If they put in an offer, take 3-4 days to sign. Or at least a weekend of reflection. Ask them a ton of questions before you wrap up. Show them that you take this seriously. Make them feel like they’re first on the list, but still invite them to sell themselves, to remind you of the arguments that place them as # 1.

Suddenly the roles will be reversed .

During your seduction, you will have the responsibility to be in communication with at least 3 employers at the same time. The best way to have a healthy mindset and not mope over rejection is to actually have a ton of options.


Even in times of pandemic containment, make appointments and interviews the show with several stakeholders from the target environment at the same time.

You are the break in the day for your interlocutors.

You are their moment of decompression, of fun, of laughter.

Where you will see ” suckers ” and ” too much “, others will see a person who really knows what they want. Believe me, this is admirable.

Nobody does what you do not because it is not done, but because they are afraid .

They are not in control of their lives, unlike you.

The employer will eventually hire you for your verve, for your stature.

Others will say that they are dynamic and organized on their CV. You will have chosen another method.

Kings speak to other kings with actions as loud as the roar of a lion  : ” Show, don’t tell .”


You are unique

A job seeker naturally looks at job postings, first thing in the morning.

It’s hard not to start there.

He does it because it’s easy and everyone is doing it .

To be successful, ask yourself ” What is nobody doing?” “. And do it.

We all have a feeling similar to yours when it’s time to make a big gesture  : we wonder how others have done before us.

This information matters, of course.

You have to know that in order to… be different . And not to conform to the masses.

Your touch is more important than ever.

Be more expressive than usual to let your frosty side shine through, the “ freaky-freaky ” I was telling you about earlier.

Remind them on what event you saw each other.

You did not change.

You are still the same source of fun as before.

Since then, you’ve taken your own path, molded a unique blend of skills , and communicate it brilliantly.

You have successfully completed this puzzle that is your own brand.

We recognize you by your values, your mission and your history.

You are suddenly no longer in competition with 300 wrestlers per post, you will have bypassed them .

The positions posted by corporate procedure, those for which the candidate had already chosen internally 2 weeks ago, you will have avoided them.


You will have created your own job to get out of this endless spin of bitter-tasting lottery ticket ads.

You are not an entrepreneur, you are an intrapreneur. An excellent intrapreneur.

The job will have to be created for you, tailor-made .

He will show up for promotion, or in a new business to people who know you well now.

It can also take shape with people who do not yet know you thanks to a strong will to know who they are, by taking a sincere interest in them.

Try the heroic gesture. It is full of meaning for the recruiter. Felt and delivered with perfect execution, you will have the privileged access you wanted.

Then talks about the relationship.

Your allegiance is not to the manager, the recruiter, or the president. You are a free electron, who takes news, who stays in memory, who entertains them.

If you want to get the job of your dreams, I repeat, you have to go for the great seduction.

As for a soap opera, we love the dramatic effects and the twists

We depend on it. We resume.

The recruiter also depends on it.

But he’s put off by your improvisation .

Learning your text will become your new hidden asset.

The employer will see your desire to please, he is not fooled. But he will appreciate, since he will see there the extent of your devotion .

Your theatrical sense will seduce him, as will your exoticism. Not to mention your ability to see humor and smile where others see a situation that can upset the perfect image they cultivate.

The big gesture can result in an accumulation of small gestures , regular and kind, which will draw the eye to your kindness and your usefulness.

They will suggest to them that it is high time to do a complete reading of the course of the freak who calls them on Friday afternoon to talk about “hockey” and “gardening”.

They’ll really care about you this time around.

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To be elected among 1000 candidates, become the only logical candidate considered. Choose yourself.


If you’re hoping that the HR you sent your resume to is about to choose you, it’s going to be a long wait. Once you understand that there are issues just begging to be resolved, once you realize that you already have all the tools and permissions you need, opportunities to contribute abound.


No one is going to choose you. Choose yourself.


               – Seth Godin, free translation of an excerpt from ” Reject the tyranny of being picked: pick yourself 



Perform one of these 12 gestures

As you read, I gave you clues as to what a freak does differently from others. Here are a multitude of other examples that you can do individually ( not all at the same time ).

Each of these 12 job search methods will make you shine more than anyone else:


  1. Collect files on your target. You will become a master of research, note-taking and archiving.
  2. Find the point where it hurts. All your thoughts will be directed to the question ” What are they suffering from?” The answer to this question will be the guiding point of all your future steps.
  3. Write a letter and memorable messages. You will be writing the best motivational word in human history, the one that will take down the moon. A project lasting several weeks. Sprinkle a host of references to them. Promise them to solve their problem. Tell how you fell in love with them. Write a little different text to the HR and the manager of the position. Make them laugh. Keep it short.
  4. Use platforms other than the letter : send emails, write to them on LinkedIn, Tweet them. You will see where you get a sign of life. Use this first link and build the rest. Once you’ve walked in over the drawbridge, get to know other people in the business.
  5. Calls the company’s recruiter once or twice a month for a year , on a Friday afternoon, to ask him how the month has been and to chat with him about everything and nothing. Make her afternoon spectacular with your energy. Collects useful information. Find out who his best internal clients are, which ones contact him more frequently. Managers are the ones who will hire you. They are your ultimate target.
  6. Interview relationships with a multitude of people who work for your target. More referrals means more chances to enter. Find the queen first. Then, woo her and her pawns.
  7. Share company content with a grain of salt for at least 6 months. This strategy will eventually bring you fruits, you just have to be patient, constant, and they will wonder who is this blogger, podcaster, YouTuber, killer, who often talks about them in public. Make sure you have a strong Google presence in anticipation of when they search. Avoid excessive flattery. You sometimes agree, sometimes you disagree, but you inevitably arouse strong emotions.
  8. In interview, present a 90-day plan. What will happen after you get hired? Take out of your briefcase a plan the value and contents of which impress them. Even more impressed will they be by your sense of initiative. What is in the plan, in fact, who cares. It’s the bold action we love.
  9. Put yourself on your 36. You are the president of an SME. Hire a graphic designer for your CV, your LinkedIn, your Instagram. Hire a professional stylist and photographer. Hire a counselor to confirm that you have made the right career choice and to make you feel confident. Hire a trainer as needed to refine your line. Find someone for your finances and even someone to send you lunch. Why not, a chef at home and a nanny. Go to Thailand to write under vitamin D with a nice tan. Babysit the children more often than normal. Involve them all the same in the project, as well as your partner. You will feel less alone with all these new collaborators who work with you. You will shape the image of someone you want to hire, no matter where you look. How to ignore such a beautiful SME? Pay the price for your personal development,
  10. Make an original CV. By personalizing it to the employer, you will get an almost guaranteed interview. When I was working in recruitment at Ubisoft, a candidate sent us his CV as if he was the protagonist of the game Assassin’s Creed. It had taken him several days to create it. We called him automatically and the interview was a formality. Everyone was already seduced. He got the job.
  11. Take well-chosen courses that contain the keywords you are looking for . The accumulation of training courses lasting a few days or just a few weeks will speed up your career transition and prove your updating. Trainings don’t need to be long. Support your reorientation with many feats of arms. Indicate these training courses on your CV, your LinkedIn and your website. Each mini-accreditation counts to consolidate your new image, in addition to strategically selected community engagements.
  12. Volunteer and attend the events they attend . Show up at galas, events, benefit evenings, trade shows and industry activities where the target company has a chance to meet (… during the post-COVID period, of course ). Meet them “by chance”, you had to do there anyway. Avoid recruiting fairs, because you’re better than redirecting to an applicant management system. It is not the label “job seeker” that you seek to give yourself, but that of “friend of the middle”. Get invited everywhere. Say “yes” to all invitations, just in case. Follow up by inviting them over for coffee, without obligation.


Spectacular candidates are effective: they cut off secondary sources of information.

They eat primary sources , low in fat, whole wheat and grapefruit version.

Once the investigation begins, they just focus on them and eliminate distractions.

They do not allow themselves to be frightened by ambiguity or the lack of job offers.

At some point you will be discouraged. Do not let go!

Keep yourself in the action, keep a minimum of pace.

An opportunity will present itself soon. Are you ready?



Employers remember spectacular candidates.

Being bold is spontaneous, but even more planned .

Conducts a police, journalistic, extremely well informed investigation like a serial killer (a sympathetic freak ).

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